An update on citation-resolve

Posted on October 2, 2014 by Takayuki Muranushi

A while ago I’ve implemented a Haskell package called citation-resolve. that can convert document IDs such as DOIs, ISBNs, arXiv IDs to reference data.

Recently, Adam Harries has proposed an enhancement that allows easy access to the error message (if any) of the retrieval process.

λ> import Text.CSL.Input.Identifier
λ> resolveEitherDef "arXiv:1409.7395"
Right (Reference {refId = "2014arXiv1409.7395H", refType = article-journal, author = [P. F. Hopkins], editor = [], translator = [], recipient = [], interviewer = [], composer = [], director = [], illustrator = [], originalAuthor = [], containerAuthor = [], collectionEditor = [], editorialDirector = [], reviewedAuthor = [], issued = [RefDate {year = "2014", month = "sep", season = "", day = "", other = "", circa = ""}], eventDate = [], accessed = [], container = [], originalDate = [], submitted = [], title = "GIZMO: A New Class of Accurate, Mesh-Free Hydrodynamic Simulation Methods", titleShort = "GIZMO", reviewedTitle = "", containerTitle = "ArXiv e-prints", volumeTitle = "", collectionTitle = "", containerTitleShort = "", collectionNumber = "", originalTitle = "", publisher = "", originalPublisher = "", publisherPlace = "", originalPublisherPlace = "", authority = "", jurisdiction = "", archive = "", archivePlace = "", archiveLocation = "", event = "", eventPlace = "", page = "", pageFirst = "", numberOfPages = "", version = "", volume = "", numberOfVolumes = "", issue = "", chapterNumber = "", medium = "", status = "", edition = "", section = "", source = "", genre = "academic journal", note = "", annote = "", abstract = "", keyword = "", number = "", references = "", url = "", doi = "", isbn = "", issn = "", pmcid = "", pmid = "", callNumber = "", dimensions = "", scale = "", categories = [], language = "", citationNumber = CNum {unCNum = 0}, firstReferenceNoteNumber = 0, citationLabel = ""})
λ> resolveEitherDef "arXiv:1609.7395"
Left "Failed to connect: CurlHttpReturnedError"
λ> resolveEitherDef "ariv:1609.7395"
Left "Unknown identifier type: ariv"

Thank you, Adam!